Participatory Conservation of the Casuarinas Forest Belt in Manalkadu Sand Dunes
This is a study tour to understand the maintenance and the conservation of forest. Aaruthal completed the project of conservation of Casuarinas forest in Manalkadu Dunes. In that Forest User Group formed and awareness created to the community in various ways in the conservation of forest. School students targeted in proving awareness programme to transmit the message to the parents. In this context thgis Tour to the Yala Forest was arranged through the project activity Funded by MFF-IUCN.
Purpose of the Tour:
- To study the natural forest in terms of existence and maintenance of flora and fauna.
- To get relaxed and refreshed after a long-term work in the office complex system.
Proxy Purpose:
- To understand the need of team work in an activity that involves timeline.
- To look into group interest rather than personal benefits in a Project.
- To understand the work plan and budget in successful implementation of project.
- To realize how to work for the achievement of goal through different management styles.
- To recognize how to plan in managing risk and assumptions during complex activity situation.
- To know the need of coordination and communication in an adverse decision making process.
27 Project participants and 23 Aaruthal staff participated and gathered information about the forest in South wile relaxing and enjoying the trip.